Monday, 6 August 2007

Hippy Hippos Reading Term 3 Week 4-5

Your challenge is to read and interpret the following web page which allows you to buy an ancestor online! Follow these steps:

  1. Read the web site with a friend from your group. What is your response to this site?

  2. Is this possible? Why or why not?

  3. How and when could it be used?

  4. Make comments off this blog post with your initial responses to it.

You may choose to record your ideas in the blog as a separate post, make sure you use the label of Reading, or in your language journal. Justify your responses fully!


LC KLC said...

1. I think this could be possiblle but it said that it might be ilegal in some countries.

2.This cpould be nice if you never met your ancestor you could create it again and you could have them back.

3. I think this web-site could be nice just as I said if you have never met your ancestor has passed away youcould have them back as the web-site said you could also just look on the computer and find out about them.

Clare said...

1. I have read this already.

2. I think this is possible because if it isn't how could it be a website and anyway I don't think much people will buy an ancestor.

3. If you don't think you have an ancestor and you would like one you could just buy one.

Gu said...
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Christie =) said...

I do not think that this is possible because why would you want to replace a ancestor plus it says its illegal down the bottom of the webpage. and who would want to buy an anestor for $100,000 ad it woud change the history of your life. I think it sholdn't be possible to do this and the people that are going to be your ancestor may not of evan be aproved.

Gu said...

1.I think this is a stupid and cool idea at the same time. Its stupid because you sould be proud of your Ancestors for who they are. Its cool at they same time because if you want to have a change of family history to make it more interesting.

2.It might not be possable as it says at the bottem it might be alegal in your country.

3.You could use it if you had to make a famiy tree and all the people in the class apart from you had well knowin ancestors you could just buy own.

Melia said...
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Melia said...

I think it is tupid to buy an ancestor. Plus we can't because it is ellegal in this country. It is also very mean to your other ancestors because if one of them die you can just say i want to buy an ancestor. It also might be ma rip off. I don't think there is any reason to buy an ancestor at all.
By Amelia

Melia said...

I think it is stupid to buy an ancestor. Plus we can't because it is ellegal in this country. It is also very mean to your other ancestors because if one of them die you can just say i want to buy another ancestor. It also might be ma rip off. I don't think there is any reason to buy an ancestor at all.
By Amelia

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